Mrs. Heard
Introducing Mrs. Heard!!
The first time I met Jillian was 4 years ago, and I thought she was the absolute coolest! She had a dread with a bead in her hair, nose ring, cool style, and was singing and playing guitar at a college ministry meeting. Jillian is one of those people that is an angel and you have never heard anyone say anything but nice things about. I think lots of people at Wofford would agree that they kinda wanted to be her!
Fast forward a year, I remember Taylor coming back from D-Group telling me James was going to ask Jillian on a date. Honestly, I thought Jillian was way out of James's league... she was older, wiser, and like I said super cool. (Sorry James) I am happy to say I was so wrong. Being around Jillian and James you can tell they just bring out the best in each other and are so happy and giddy together. It has been a joy to see their relationship grow and develop into a beautiful marriage!

It was the absolute perfect day to take bridals and Jillian looked absolutely stunning, but what you don't see in these pictures is they were taken less than a week ago, Jillian did her own hair and her make up, and she painted her fingernails while she was in her wedding dress! First of all, I am going to call Jillian whenever I need my hair and makeup done because it looked gorgeous. Second of all, I had a mini heart attack when she pulled out that nail polish. Lastly, ladies it is never too late to get bridals done!
Jill, you are stunning!

Her mom hand made her viel. Such a sweet detail!


Her dress was to die for!

Jillian, I absolutely love who you are, and excited to celebrate with you and James on y'all's special day!